Shock. The word of the day is shock. With shock follows shivering, irregular heartbeat, dizziness, lightheadedness, coma. She would not give in. A little bit of movie magic, a little bit of passion, a little bit of that special stuff that makes the sane go mad, then larger than life and smaller than can be seen with the naked eye, she teetered on the edge as the ground below awaited her pummel. Separate the wool from the lamb, and the weak freeze to death. But she would not let herself. She refused. It was a delicate balancing act, a show of courage, a conjure of strength, a moment of self-preservation. It was the final test in the gruelling battery and she passed . . . out as the ambulance arrived.
Looking up. In the cold dark room only the tiniest red and orange lights pulsated, throbbed, pumped. In perfect time, like fucking clockwork, their mesmerizing motion captivated her. Her eyes glued, then geled, then went out of focus as the voices, the words and the sounds caroused about in the air and in her head. Looking up. The sudden appearance of his deathly white face in the doorway mortified her. Breathing the same cold air, they were. Seeing by the same light: one blinded, the other blinding. Rendered motionless, left frozen -- like the heart he bore within his body -- she could only hope at that moment that the heart within hers would not stop.
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eristikös launched exsanguinate online in April 1996
Trauma copyright © 1991 mssg
Cryogenics copyright © 1991 mssg
this page design copyright © 1999 eristikös
timestamp November 2020